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Where does the money go?

The majority of the budget goes to additional teachers and staff in order to reduce the class sizes. It also funds core enrichments like: Music, P.E., Art, Robotics & Gardening.

The Enrichment Fund is 70% of the money raised by FOM. It is our biggest fundraiser of the year and the most efficient way for you to contribute. 

Ready to Chip In?

Make a Donation

This year, Friends of Marquez is asking for a donation of $2,000 per student to cover additional teachers, class size reduction, and enrichment programs for every Marquez student. We value all donations, and greatly appreciate any amount your family can contribute.


Our goal is 100% participation, and to help achieve this we offer installment payment plans by month, sponsor another student, and pledge forms for grandparents and family friends.

All donations are optional.

We ask for $2,000 per student simply because we spend $2,000 per student each year. In order to hit this average, we hope that many donors will give much more. We also understand that many donations will be lower. We depend on our community of families to donate whatever is within their budgets. All donations big and small are greatly appreciated by the students.

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